A Podcast for HPC Folk

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RCE 78: Netflix Cache Appliance

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Scott Long of Netflix about the new Netflix Cache Appliance. A FreeBSD box with a pile of disk and 2x10gig-e connections. Capable of massive reductions in bandwidth use on ISP networks. We will also cover just what happens when you press play on your Netflix streaming device.

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Netflix Tech Blog

Scott began his computing career when he discovered Unix in 1992 while an undergrad at the University of Michigan. In 2000 he became a project committer in the FreeBSD project, and from 2002-2006 he was the project's Release Engineer. After 13 years of writing and maintaining device drivers and core operating system infrastructure at Adaptec, Yahoo!, and other technology companies, Scott joined Netflix in May 2012 to work on their OpenConnect streaming server platform. In 2011 he received a Bachelor's degree in Aviation Science, and shortly afterwards did a brief stint as a commercial airline pilot. Now back in the real world of computer engineering, he enjoys working on device drivers and system scalability, advocating FreeBSD, and building mad-scientist high voltage electronics with his family in Colorado.

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