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RCE 68: mpi4py

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Aron Ahmadia and Matt Turk about mpi4py a set of MPI bindings for Python.

MP3 (Right Click Save As)

Aron works at the intersection of applied mathematics, software engineering, and application domains as diverse as adaptive optics, semiconductor lithography, and ice-sheet modeling. He focuses on the collaborative development of robust, reproducible, and scalable software tools for computational science. He is also a moderator of SciComp Stack Exchange.

Matthew Turk is an NSF OCI Postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University, working on simulations of the first stars and galaxies in the universe. He received his PhD from Stanford University and worked at UCSD at a postdoc, and is interested in the high-redshift universe, high performance computing, community building for scientific software,and the development of infrastructure for next-generation simulations, data analysis and visualization. His primary technical projects are yt ( http://yt-project.org/ ) and Enzo (http://enzo-project.org/ ) and he can be found at https://sites.google.com/site/matthewturk/ .

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