A Podcast for HPC Folk

A Podcast for HPC Folk

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Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Dr. Ewing "Rusty" Lusk and Dr. William "Bill" Gropp about MPICH2.

Ewing “Rusty” Lusk is director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory and an Argonne Distinguished Fellow. He received his B.A. in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame in 1965 and his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Maryland in 1970. He was a professor of computer science at Northern Illinois University before joining Argonne in 1982. His current research interests include programming models for scalable parallel computing, implementation issues for the MPI Message-Passing Interface standard, parallel performance analysis tools, and system software for large-scale machines. He is the author of five books and more than a hundred research articles in mathematics, automated deduction, and parallel computing.

William Gropp is the Paul and Cynthia Saylor Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Deputy Directory for Research for the Institute of Advanced Computing Applications and Technologies at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University in 1982 and worked at Yale University and Argonne National Laboratory. His research interests are in parallel computing, software for scientific computing, and numerical methods for partial differential equations, and he is well known for the MPICH2 and PETSc libraries.

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