A Podcast for HPC Folk

A Podcast for HPC Folk

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RCE 47: ITAPS Interoperable Tools for Advanced Petascale Simulations

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Mark Shepard, Tim Tautges andCarl Ollivier-Gooch about ITAPS (Interoperable Technologies for Advanced Petascale Simulations).

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Carl Ollivier-Gooch is a professor in the department of mechanical engineering at The University of British Columbia, where he is a member of UBC's Institute for Applied Mathematics and Institute for Computing, Information, and Cognitive Systems. His research interests are in high-order numerical methods for aircraft aerodynamics and in unstructured mesh generation. He has also won national and provincial awards for research that applies aerodynamics to the pulp and paper industry. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Timothy Tautges is a Computational Scientist in the Mathematics and Computer Science division at Argonne National Laboratory. He also holds an appointment as Adjunct Professor in Engineering Physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Tim was trained in nuclear engineering with an emphasis on parallel computing. After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin (thesis topic: parallel nuclear severe accident simulation), he worked on severe accident modeling at the CEC Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy, and Sandia National Laboratories. Later he joined and eventually lead the Cubit mesh generation project at Sandia. Tim's research interests include unstructured hexahedral mesh generation and component-based application of mesh and geometry in scientific computing applications. He is responsible for the development and open-source releases of the Common Geometry Module (CGM) and a Mesh-Oriented datABase (MOAB). After moving to Argonne in 2006, Tim took on the responsibility for mesh and geometry infrastructure for the SHARP reactor simulation project. He also is the Argonne Principle Investigator on the SciDAC ITAPS project.

Mark S. Shephard is the Samuel A. and Elisabeth C. Johnson, Jr. Professor of Engineering, and the director of the Scientific Computation Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He holds joint appointments in the departments of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering; and Computer Science. Dr. Shephard has published over 250 papers. He is a fellow in and the past President of the US Association for Computational Mechanics, a fellow and member of the General Council of the International Association for Computational Mechanics, a fellow of ASME and an Associate Fellow of AIAA. He is the editor of Engineering with Computers and on the editorial board of six computational mechanics journals. He is a co-founder of Simmetrix Inc., a company dedicated to the technologies that enable simulation-based engineering.

RCE 46: dCache

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Paul Millar about dCache.

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Paul Millar has been working as a senior programmer within the dCache.org team for three years. Coming from a physics background, Paul worked on various WLCG data-focused grid projects at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, before joining the dCache team at DESY in Hamburg, Germany. dCache software is deployed at multiple sites internationally which, combined, provide over 40% of CERN's current storage (127 PiB). Therefore, Paul not only concentrates on improving dCache software and working on various Grid standards but also provides support for the sites using dCache. When not writing code and catching up with emails, Paul enjoys running and playing the piano (although not at the same time).

RCE SE: Student Cluster Champions 2010

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with the winners of the Student Cluster Competition National Tsing Hua University.

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RCE 45: Supercomputing 2010

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres muse about what went down at SC10.

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RCE 44: Grid Engine (OGE/SGE)

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Daniel Templeton of Oracle about Grid Engine formally known as Sun Grid Engine.

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Daniel Templeton is the product manager for the Oracle Grid Engine product. He has been at Oracle/Sun for over a decade and worked previously as one of the Grid Engine developers. Daniel is a co-chair of the DRMAA working group in the OGF and an active Grid Engine evangelist. When not filling the role of jungle gym for his kids, Daniel enjoys playing chess and Doppelkopf. And occasionally, when no one's looking, he still manages to write some code.


Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres Ashley Pittman of the padb (http://padb.pittman.org.uk) project, a 'Job Inspection Tool' for parallel computing.

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Ashley Pittman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) is the main developer of padb and has been leading the project since it started in 2003.  He has worked in HPC since he was an undergraduate and considers himself unusual in being a computer scientist in a field dominated by physicists and chemists.  His experience is primarily in networking and MPI, which has afforded him access to a wide variety of clusters from the small to the very large.  His professional interests include novel approaches to parallel algorithms and research into programming paradigms.

RCE 42: HPC in the Cloud

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Nicole Hemsoth about her research on HPC use in the Cloud.

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Nicole Hemsoth is the Managing Editor of HPC in the Cloud, a publication dedicated to covering scientific and large-scale enterprise computing in the cloud. Nicole covers news from the world of high-performance computing with a distinct eye on how the space is being reshaped by virtualized and on-demand resources, bringing readers insight and analysis from some of the industry's leading figures. On the event circuit or from the confines of her office, which as of Fall 2010 is in the Greensboro, North Carolina area, she keeps the opt-in weekly newsletter list of over 35,000 well-fed with fresh, balanced HPC and cloud food for thought.

HPC in the Cloud, which is a sister publication from HPCwire can be found on the web at http://www.hpcinthecloud.com

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RCE 41: ParaView Parallel Visualization

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Berk Geveci, Utkarsh Ayachit, and Ken Moreland about ParaView.

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Dr. Geveci leads the scientific visualization and infomatics teams at Kitware Inc. He is one of the leading developers of the ParaView visualization application and the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). His research interests include large scale parallel computing, computational dynamics, finite elements and visualization algorithms. Dr. Geveci regularly publishes and teaches courses at conferences including IEEE Visualization and Supercomputing conferences.

Dr. Moreland leads the scientific visualization research and development at Sandia National Laboratories. He is the main architect and developer of the IceT parallel rendering library and regularly contributes to the ParaView visualization application and the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). His research interests include large-scale parallel visualization algorithms and exascale computing. Dr. Moreland regularly publishes and teaches courses at conferences including IEEE Visualization and Supercomputing.

Utkarsh Ayachit, is a technical lead at Kitware Inc. He leads the ParaView development team as well as is one of the leading developers of ParaView and VTK. His interests include parallel computing, application frameworks and collaborative platforms and web technologies.

RCE 40: XDMF eXtensible Data Model and Format

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Jery Clarke from the Army Research Laboratory about XDMF the eXtensible Data Model and Format.

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Mr. Jerry Clarke currently leads the Computational Science & Engineering Branch for the US Army Research Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving Ground MD. He has over 25 years of experience in developing both open source and commercially available software as well as DoD specific applications. He earned his degree from Carnegie-Mellon University, has been awarded two US Patents, and has twice received the US Army Research & Development Achievement Award for Technical Excellence.

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